Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions about any medical package you buy from Sanamentum.
Please read these Terms & Conditions and the documents referred to below. By accepting our terms and conditions, you confirm that you will be bounded by these Terms & Conditions and you agree to comply with them.
Sanamentum has the right to change and modify the Terms and Conditions without any prior notice.
Treatment Provider: Any doctor or medical institution that will perform the treatment
Medical Package: The treatment package can include treatment, accommodation, transfers, and hosting services depending on the patient’s choice
Treatment: The medical treatment that will be performed by the chosen treatment provider
Sanamentum’s Liabilities & Responsibilities
1. Sanamentum is responsible for organizing your medical treatment with your selected treatment provider including organizing your accommodation and airport transfers. Your treatment provider is the only responsible party for your treatment. You agree not to hold Sanamentum responsible for any treatment that you will undertake in Treatment Provider.
2. Your medical package is offered in exchange for pictures and test results. Therefore it might change during the physical examination with your treatment provider.
3. By accepting these terms and conditions you agree not to hold Sanamentum responsible for any malpractice by your treatment provider.
4. Sanamentum will send you the necessary information about your medical package before you start your journey which will include the following;
The name and contact details of the Treatment Provider
• The name and contact details of the hotel (If it is included in the medical package)
• The name and contact details of the host (If it is included in the medical package)
• The name and contact details of the driver (If it is included in the medical package)
• Date and time of the Treatment
Sanamentum is not responsible for any service that is provided by the 3rd parties such as hotels and transfer companies. Your doctor is responsible for the medical services you received.
Your Responsibilities
- By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to share any information about your medical condition.
2. You are responsible for providing appropriate information regarding your medical condition in order to provide you with the right treatment plan.
3. You are responsible for preparing your travel documents such as your passport and visa regarding the treatment offered by the treatment provider. Sanamentum is not responsible for arranging your travel to Turkey for your treatment.
4. By accepting these terms and conditions you give permission to Sanamentum to get your medical records from your treatment provider and keep these records in case of necessity.
5. In order to get treatment from Sanamentum’s treatment provider you need to make a deposit payment to Sanamentum before you start your journey and you should complete the payment of the whole amount prior to your treatment. You will not get any treatment before you complete your payment.
6. It’s your responsibility to add any type of insurance to your medical package.
Flight Ticket terms and conditions for All-Inclusive packages with flight tickets included
- The free flight campaign covers flight tickets from Europe. Patients who travel from other continents will not benefit from our free flight campaign.
- Patients need to book their flights 45 days before their treatment to benefit from the free flight offer.
- Patients who would like to book their treatment in June-September 2022, have to book their flight tickets 60 days in advance.
- Patients can not get a free flight ticket for treatments in July and August due to high season prices but will be given a discount of the same amount.
- Sanamentum covers the most affordable flight ticket cost on the selected route. Patients are expected to agree to the booking of this flight.
- Patients should NOT book their flight tickets without consulting Sanamentum consultants first. Sanamentum consultants will arrange a suitable flight according to the treatment dates.
- Sanamentum consultants will assist the patient during the booking of the flight. Patients are expected to keep in touch with their consultant throughout the booking period to avoid misunderstandings and false bookings.
You may cancel your treatment anytime you want. In case of cancellation, administrative expenses will be deducted and you will be refunded at the beginning of next month after your cancellation. If you cancel less than 1 month before your procedure, your deposit payment will not be refunded. In addition, if you cancel your procedure after you sent your flight tickets, your deposit payment will not be refunded. If you benefit from a special campaign, your deposit payment will not be refunded in any case.
Feedback and Reviews
Sanamentum aims to provide %100 patient satisfaction with its services. Sanamentum requests feedback from its patients in order to improve its services provided that the reviews are sincere, genuine, helpful, and directly related to Sanamentum’s services. Sanamentum is an intermediary to provide quality treatments at medical providers at affordable prices. However, Sanamentum can not be held responsible for the services given by healthcare providers and their actions.
By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree not to defame, attack, or criticize Sanamentum or any of its employees publicly (review websites, social media networks, blogs, public forums etc.) in regard to medical service providers (doctor, medical personnel, hospital) treatment and services and the services of the hotel. In case of breaching of this clause, you have to remove and take down the content immediately upon our assessment and request. If the content remains, in part or in whole, you agree to pay 5,000 GBP to Sanamentum as damages.
1. Sanamentum is responsible for your keeping your personal information confidential.
2. By accepting these terms and conditions you permit Sanamentum to use your before-after pictures of your treatment areas.
In case of disputes arising from this contract, the Parties accept the authority of the Courts and Execution Directorates of Istanbul.