Alimentation After Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgeries, also known as bariatric surgeries, are preferred by people who cannot lose weight with alternative methods. Stubborn fat can be a real problem when it comes to losing it, bariatric surgeries aim to help patients to lose weight by reducing their calorie intake. When you get your gastric surgery, it does not end there. You have to follow some strict rules to get the best results you ever can. You should follow your surgeon’s instructions and keep in touch with your aftercare specialist during your recovery period. Your alimentation plan will have 4 steps and you have to follow them strictly to get satisfying results.

Step 1 – Clear Liquid Diet

Your first diet will contain liquid types of foods. After the surgery, your stomach will be sensitive and we do not want to push it to the limits with hard foods. So you will eat only liquid foods that are watery.


Step 2 – Full Liquid Diet

Your next diet plan will be a full-liquid diet. During this diet, protein intake is important. Your body is trying to heal slowly, so you should support it with protein-rich liquids.

Step 3 – Puree Diet

After 2 weeks after your bariatric surgery, you can start consuming puree foods. Your stomach is becoming stronger and can digest pure types of foods. The main aim of your diet will stay the same, you will consume foods with high-protein values. During this period you can eat foods that are not hard and not going to force your stomach. This pure diet period will last around a month. Once you complete it you will start eating as you do before.


Step 4 – Regular Diet

About two months after your weight loss surgery, you will be able to begin your regular, post-surgery diet. Now that you successfully overcome the hard part, you will be able to eat like you used to do. However, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, you should follow your diet strictly, otherwise, you can gain weight again. So, be careful what to eat and always follow your diet.
